from roots to fruits
Excellent fruits are based on healthy roots
STRATEGY: Be & stay an entrepreneur
Your benefit:
- a clear strategy built on the company's strengths and the opportunities of the markets . To look calmly into the future.
- A healthy corporate culture that inspires employees to perform at their best
- successfully master crises
- Understand, set up and control the company as an overall system
- systematically develop a market advantage with innovation
- quickly compensate for a lack of resources with strategic partnerships and exploit market opportunities.

- Situation analysis: Which resources are available, which are missing? What are the possibilities and opportunities, what are the risks and dangers?
- What is the goal of your activity? Clarity to the question: Why do we have to exist as a company?
- We work together to develop your business strategy. So that you have clarity where and how your company should develop.
- Develop shared values. So that you are aware of your guiding values. And be able to anchor them in the company. Because employees give everything for good and clear values.
- Consciously shape and anchor a healthy corporate culture. Based on your company values.
- Risk management: Board members and the Executive Board are aware of the most important risks. And have a system for analyzing and averting them.
- Vulnerability Analysis: "Where's the Worm?" Know sources of error, but also development potential and growth opportunities as well as possible measures. And have a plan for dealing with them.
- Define structure organization: Your company is clearly and simply organized. The responsibilities are defined. Everyone knows what is expected of them.
- Start-up entrepreneurs: You have the deepest desire to run your own company. But do not know how and where to start. Together we set out on our journey. You benefit from our years of knowledge in building SME's.
- SME owner: 15-hour days and still empty coffers? Or you feel at the mercy of your customers? Perhaps it's high time to rethink your own business model.
- Company managers, members of the executive board: You know that you are responsible for the culture in your company/area of responsibility. And would like to assume this responsibility. With professionals at your side. Be it as a process supporter, /-companion, /-challenger.
Or you have the feeling that the performance of your employees is absorbed in (too) many conflicts? Instead of benefiting customers? In active workshops we dive into the different personalities. And create a lot of mutual understanding. - Profit center managers, department heads: Their area of responsibility should fit in with the overarching group/ or company strategy. Do you actually want to focus on the content, but are worried about getting too engrossed in the process? As process pilots, we are happy to take on this task.
- Board members: Far away from the operational business and still responsible in the end: Countering the manifold risks with a system. And develop targeted measures.
Or prepare the strategy for the next decade? - NPO managers: Nonprofit organizations tick differently. And therefore need other concepts and approaches to solutions.
- Listen: You explain the facts, describe the challenge. We listen, ask questions, drill (until we get to the core / until it hurts).
- Summarize: We are collecting more information. In your company, your department, your organization. And create from it e.g. Key figures, grids or theses to be able to assess the situation accurately, but also to abstract.
- Tailoring: Then we create a concept of how to meet your challenges / achieve your goals. We discuss these measures, which are specifically tailored to your situation, together and plan their implementation. And implement together.
“We work with Stefan Zweifel as a business sparring partner. His in-depth knowledge and understanding, his visualizations and his positive, constructive manner help us to go deeper and develop new solutions together.”
Peter Liechti, Andreas Meister
Owner TIGER GmbH
“Our team support with Stefan Zweifel in a nutshell: professional, clear structure, good leadership, personable, visually well presented. Highly recommended."
David Hadorn
Südkurve Lyss, Head of Social Enterprises
“Our annual strategy retreat moderated by Zweifel Business Empowerment was intensive, fruitful and refreshing. Stefan Zweifel did a great job of bringing the three groups of participants (owners, board of directors, management) together. My best retreat so far.”
Sabrina Glauser
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swisslux AG
"What makes me tick - what makes others tick" at the municipal council retreat: pure entertainment.
But not just that! It was exciting, insightful and immediately applicable. I was constantly on the edge of my seat: what's next?"
Willy Schranz
Chairman / President of the Adelboden Municipal Council
"We have called in Zweifel Business Empowerment for the elaboration of our " Division Strategy 2025 ". All participants enjoyed the very concrete and visual result and are proud of it. The feedback from my area ranged from "very good workshop" to "best workshop ever".
Markus Hirschi
Berner Kantonalbank, Head of Infrastructure Services
"The personality workshop was a team highlight: instructive, practical, exciting. And it was fascinating how everyone in the team recognized themselves in their behavioral profile and were able to identify their own personal lessons."
Stephan Grünig
Director BG-Graspointner AG Switzerland
"For the start of a culture change we consulted Zweifel Business Empowerment. Impressive how a noticeable difference in behavior could be achieved in a short time. Due to the very positive experiences, we extended the project to other company areas."
Heinz Erni
SABAG Basel AG, Head of Construction Products, Member of the Executive Board, Füllinsdorf
"Stefan Zweifel knows how to identify personal differences and develop common strengths. His workshop impressed us."
Stefan Brauchli
Co-Founder airtime AG, Ittigen
Stefan Zweifel organized and moderated our strategy workshop with 16 participants in an exemplary manner. He knew how to make the whole event lively and interesting, activated the participants and ensured a good understanding of the jointly developed strategy with his meaningful pin board pictures.
I can highly recommend Stefan Zweifel!

Hanspeter Jordi
Chairman of the Board of Directors SABAG Holding, Biel

LEADING EMPLOYEES: Building & Retaining Entrepreneurs in the Company
Your benefit: Supervisors know how to achieve success with system + enthusiasm together with your employees.
- Employees identify with the company and deliver top performance because they are proud of their company and of themselves.
Thereby- the fluctuation decreases,
- new employees apply because they want to work for this outstanding company,
- less scrap and waste is produced,
- the profit is increased. And the company healthy and strong.
- So that the processes are lean and focused on the customer.
- Train the mindset of your employees and make them committed to the values and company. In this way, employees not only know the company values, but also act accordingly.
- Your managers learn the practical use of the most important management tools and develop their personal management style. As a result, they lead their teams with enthusiasm and system. This creates an irrepressible dynamic for top performance.
- Knowledge of human nature as a prerequisite for successful interaction with employees, colleagues and superiors.
- Communication that moves. Helping your leaders understand their employees. But also so that they are understood.
- If you want to lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself: Self-leadership, stress management, problem-solving techniques. Entrepreneurship.
- Mastering difficult leadership situations.
- As a supervisor, negotiate with your employees: But how, so that it doesn't end in an arm wrestle? And becomes a farce?
- Owners / Managing Directors / Executive Board Members: The next generation of leaders should learn the most important leadership tools in a practical way. And perhaps be additionally accompanied during the implementation?
Additionally, it is important to keep key employees on board. And not to lose it to the competition. That's why you invest in their leadership skills.
Or: The guidelines for the next cadre event should be drawn and you are looking for a speaker? We guarantee pragmatic and inspiring workshops. - Profit center managers / department heads: Your direct reports need inspiration. Or should - e.g. in the practical subject of personalities - reflect on their actions. And quickly develop actionable approaches.
Or you need someone who can tell your team what is often said in different words & pictures 😉 - HR managers / HR employees: You want to build internal leadership training with your "company barnyard"? Or organize a pragmatic, easy-to-understand and quickly implementable training for the line?
- Listen: You explain the facts, describe the challenge. We listen, ask questions, drill (until we get to the core / until it hurts).
- Summarize: We are collecting more information. In your company, your department, your organization. And create from it e.g. Key figures, grids or theses to be able to assess the situation accurately, but also to abstract.
- Tailoring: Then we create a concept of how to meet your challenges / achieve your goals. We discuss these measures, which are specifically tailored to your situation, together and plan their implementation. And implement together.
"Our collaboration with Zweifel Business Empowerment fits our personal and company values: Inspiring, Passionate, Authentic. Stefan Zweifel lives all of this. His artistic skills with paper and pen are also a great help in involving participants and making knowledge and processes understandable to all."
Sara Gübelin
Co-owner Gübelin, Lucerne
"Pragmatic, focused, efficient!"
Roland Zaugg
Co-owner AG, Tavannes
SELL & TRADE: Success through system & passion
Your benefit: Increased sales and profit. And markedly better negotiation results from your key employees. Systematic and sustainable.
- Better negotiation results in purchasing and sales, but also in internal negotiations.
- Find new customers, retain and delight existing customers.
- Lean processes that motivate salespeople and maximize sales-active work time.
- Targeted increase in margins.
- Exploit the added value potential inherent in a negotiation.
- Focus on sustainable negotiation results: Because you always see each other at least twice.
- Be able to direct and control a negotiation in a targeted manner.
- Trained and proficient in dealing with win-lose oriented negotiators.

- The customer and his needs: Getting to Know Customers Better with the persolog® Personality Profile. And yourself. As well as derive from it the personal sales style.
- Communication in sales: how to address the individual personalities. And inspire.
- Develop the personal sales strategy & strengthen the natural impact
- The 7 phases in the sales conversation: Using the right tools in the individual sales phases and leading the customer unerringly to the close.
- Present & Convince in Sales.
- Pencil selling: Using paper and pen to explain something simply and authentically.
- With self-management and the right inner attitude to success.
- Objection treatment, away from the price.
- All negotiations (whether in the company, in the family or in the club) follow certain procedures. These processes can be described to a certain extent. And thus also control. Ex. with our Roots-to-Fruits negotiation model. To maximize the potential inherent in the negotiation. To the advantage and benefit of all involved.
- Mastering difficult sales/ & negotiation situations: Win-lose oriented negotiator, manipulation, threats, disrespect, etc.
- People who MUST negotiate better. And who, with their actions, have a major influence on the success of a company/organization.
- Sales manager, salesperson: becoming a salesperson is often not difficult. Unfortunately, the necessary knowledge of sales and craftsmanship is just as often lacking. We train - as sales craftsmen - your sales team.
There is often an unequal power imbalance in sales. The stronger party - usually the customer - tries to dominate and unilaterally optimize the negotiation outcome in its favor. You quickly end up on the price track. This does not have to be. Those who can sell & negotiate properly have dramatically greater chances of turning this "arm wrestling" between suppliers and customers into a value-added process. For the benefit of all. - Company managers, executive board members, managers: As a supervisor, you have the power to order things. But if you don't want to give orders, but want to involve employees in decisions, you have to negotiate. On an equal footing, otherwise the whole thing will become a farce and the frustration of all concerned will ultimately be great.
But e.g. even working out a strategy within management is a negotiation - often a multi-party negotiation. With a wide variety of interests, perhaps even "hidden agendas." Our Roots-to-Fruits negotiation model is a proven concept for conducting such negotiations in a systematic way. With creativity and involvement of all interests. - Purchasing managers, buyers: Whether you are a strategic or operational buyer, we train you how to achieve your margin and savings targets together with suppliers and partners. Without the relationship suffering or the "fight" going into the next round due to subsequent return measures on the part of suppliers.
- Project managers, project staff: Projects involve, or at least involve, a wide variety of stakeholders and personalities. These must be taken into account. Squaring the circle? Perhaps at first glance. But not if you can work with our Roots-to-Fruits negotiation model and systematically tease out the real interests of all parties involved and adequately address the most diverse personalities.
- HR managers, HR employees: You often find yourself acting as a mediator in emotionally charged employee interviews with line employees. With our Roots-to-Fruits negotiation model, we provide you with a tool to conduct such discussions systematically and professionally. And above all to bring it to a good end.
- Listening: You explain the facts, describe the challenge. We listen, ask questions, drill (until we get to the core / until it hurts).
- Summarize: We are collecting more information. In your company, your department, your organization. And create from it e.g. Key figures, grids or theses to be able to assess the situation accurately, but also to abstract.
- Tailoring: Then we create a concept of how to meet your challenges / achieve your goals. We discuss these measures, which are specifically tailored to your situation, together and plan their implementation. And implement together.
“My sales team was enthusiastic about the constructive and needs-oriented sales training. The salespeople are encouraged to put what they have learned into practice. This makes sales training fun and very effective.”

Moritz Leutenegger
Swisslux AG, Oetwil a.S., director sales, member of the management board
«Train-the-trainer seminar for our product managers as technical instructors. Unanimous verdict: one of the most instructive and best trainings!»
Stefan Marks
Head of Academy, Hörmann Schweiz AG, Oensingen
«Negotiation training for our project managers. Refreshing, unconventional and practice-oriented. The investment has already paid off several times over in the first negotiation of a participant.»
Patrick Fröhli
CEO JAG Jakob AG, Brügg
«Stefan's clear and structured approach to developing a solution to a complex problem is a win-win situation for everyone involved.»
Fabian M.
Lawyer, Zurich
"Zweifel Business Empowerment trained our entire sales team, made up of internal and external sales people. The result exceeded my expectations. The practical, lively and interactive transmission delighted us all from the very first minute. I highly recommend it!"
Pascal Kunz
OLWO AG, Worb, director sales, member of the board of directors
"Stefan Zweifel draws from his great practical experience. And thanks to the visualizations, his seminars are very easy to understand, even entertaining. Highly recommended."
Beat Ruch
Lanz Oensingen AG, Division Manager Sales, Member of the Executive Board, Oensingen
"The sales training was exciting, targeted and practice-oriented. Especially the part about personalities resonated for a long time and made a big difference in the sales team."
Michael Benjamin
Co-CEO Bonacasa AG, Oensingen
"The seminar with Stefan Zweifel was a highlight. With his creative flipcharts, he is able to fascinate the participants. And with the graphic reduction to the essentials, what was learned becomes even more memorable and increases the training effect."

Yves Schindler
CEO & Owner Brunner AG, Lützelflüh
"The negotiation seminar was an enlightenment: moving away from bad compromises and toward mutual added value."

Hans-Ruedi Minder
Owner & CEO Fischer electric AG, Orpund
"The instructive theory is perfectly complemented by practical exercises."

Stefan Brauchli
Co-Founder airtime AG, Ittigen

OPTIMIZE: More profit & joy through smooth processes
Your benefit: In day-to-day business, you often can't see the forest for the trees. As an external view, we ask right (and uncomfortable) questions, point out muda (waste), idle time, lack of collateral. And work out the necessary improvements together with you, step by step and with system & heart. In your production as well as in your administration.
- Kaizen: Introduce and live continuous improvement as a mindset in the company. In production as well as in the office.
- Vulnerability Analysis: "Where's the Worm?" Know sources of error, but also development potential and growth opportunities as well as possible measures. And have a plan for dealing with them.
- Assessment: Accompanied entry into the world of process/ and production optimization. With analysis of the ACTUAL situation in selected areas (5S for workplace, machines and quality; machines; safety; Muda), specifically tailored to your company. With knowledge transfer and training.
- Audits: Showing development potential, moving your company forward, making improvement steps visible over a defined time. With the goal of fostering pride and satisfaction in the improvements made. And to encourage the employees involved in the KAIZEN process that has begun.
- Owner of an SME: You may have successfully completed the start-up phase and are in the growth phase. The team has grown, as has the demand for lean processes and cost efficiency. We take you to the next levels of professionalization (the same applies to the differentiation and consolidation phases).
- Managing director, production manager: You see idle times, unnecessary redundancies, high scrap rates, are annoyed by (too) frequent queries from production, stumble over disorder, etc. in your company: As your optimization pilot, sparring partner, task-pit-bull: you define our role. And we take you further.
- NPO managers: Do you work with donations? And would you like to keep the administration portion below a certain limit in relation to the donations? We are your partner for the necessary professionalization measures.
- Listen: You explain the facts, describe the challenge. We listen, ask questions, drill (until we get to the core / until it hurts).
- Summarize: We are collecting more information. In your company, your department, your organization. And create from it e.g. Key figures, grids or theses to be able to assess the situation accurately, but also to abstract.
- Tailoring: Then we create a concept of how to meet your challenges / achieve your goals. We discuss these measures, which are specifically tailored to your situation, together and plan their implementation. And implement together.
"Our repeated collaboration with Stefan Zweifel has always been constructive, goal-oriented and extremely pleasant. He meets the participants at eye level and is able to put himself in the shoes of employees in the manufacturing industry, which I appreciate very much. Stefan is well prepared, can react spontaneously to the situation, shows impressive visuals and delivers a thorough summary of the results. We will be happy to continue conducting workshops with him in the future."